Surviving on a Whisper2025-01-28T15:50:54-07:00

Surviving On A Whisper Book Cover

Surviving is never easy, especially for Arie:

a seventeen-year-old girl who ran away from home after a harrowing betrayal ruined her life. Now she’s a science experiment harboring a massive secret and running from those who want her power for their own vendettas. Stuck in a violent game of cat and mouse, Arie spends every moment evading Mr. Sark—the man representing the organization that would do anything to get their hands on what she’s hiding. Sark is driven, cruel, and desperate to prove himself, and every day he gets closer and closer to unraveling everything Arie is trying to protect.

One mistake on Arie’s part drags a civilian named Erika into the game. Arie is horrified to find Erika involved in Sark’s bloody hunt, and grapples with how to save them all. But Arie can’t do this on her own. She needs some help if she’s going to survive the secret looming over her head.

Walls crumble and lines between friend and enemy are blurred as Arie struggles to decide who to trust while trying to protect her secret and those she loves, knowing not everyone—including herself—can survive.

I loved it! One of my favorites!

“Reading “Surviving on a Whisper” kept me glued to the pages in this book. The problem: Came to the end of a chapter and couldn’t put it down.”


“Very well written. It was captivating and intriguing; I couldn’t put it down! The characters came alive and I felt a bond with each one, I would definitely recommend this to friends and family.”

a must read!!!!!!

“…this was one of the best reads I have read in a long time. The way she kept you wondering and guessing I loved it. I was hooked after chapter one, and couldn’t wait to find out what happens next.”


The anniversary edition of Surviving on a Whisper is more than just a rerelease with a couple extras in the back—it’s a complete rework of the original book. SoaW was first released in 2013, and received both positive and negative reviews. After several years, I realized I was beginning to get more bad reviews than good ones, and started paying attention to the recurring themes in what my readers were saying. By that time a few years had passed, and I had grown so much as a writer and a storyteller. I knew I could take the criticism and make SoaW so much better.

Once I finished the last books in the series, I went back and overhauled the entire first book, rewriting the entire thing and revising it several times over, until it became a book I was truly proud of and felt did Arie justice. The new version—dubbed the anniversary edition to celebrate five years since the original was released—came out in 2018. While a few copies of the original manuscript remain in circulation, the anniversary edition of Surviving on a Whisper is now the official first book in the series.

I’ve always wanted to see Chicago. Sears Tower, Buckingham Fountain, Cloud Gate—the whole nine yards. I’d always imagined if I ever got the chance to go, I would’ve gone with my older brother. Out of the two of us, he was more adventurous, and his enthusiastic spirit would’ve given me the confidence to push myself out of my comfort zone and make something memorable. We would’ve had so much fun.

I’ve always imagined that if I ever saw Chicago, it would be on a trip with my best friend in the world, not while I was running for my life.

My heart pounded painfully in my chest as I weaved my way through the crowd, trying to be fast but still casual. Blending in was key: my pursuers couldn’t catch me if they couldn’t find me. The consequences of failure were too high and I had to treat every chase as life or death, as if they even saw me they could unravel the mystery that followed me everywhere.

The pier was crowded with people enjoying the carnival that had come into town. Brightly colored candy wrappers littered the ground and the air was tainted with saltwater and popcorn. Teenagers wearing dark red shirts called from the game booths, half-heartedly asking for players. Children were screaming in delight as parents shouted after them, not wanting to lose them in their excitement. For me, it was a giant pinball machine, a maze that I was forced to get through while eluding those who wanted me dead.

In short, it was a nightmare.

I had to be grateful for the pandemonium, though, at least a little. Without it providing cover, I wouldn’t have a chance at escaping, and I would’ve been caught a long time ago. It was a price I had paid for months now: get swallowed by chaos to keep from getting eaten by monsters. It didn’t always work—I found myself in the clutches of demons way too often—and sometimes I was afraid that one time I’d let the chaos swallow me and lose myself completely.

Stop, I ordered myself, bringing my attention back to the present: to the soles of my ragged tennis shoes against the harsh pavement and the stench of too many humans pushed together. Stay focused.

I knew the monsters that were chasing me were close behind, but that didn’t stop me from scanning every face I passed, doing so nonchalantly while keeping my head partway down. It seemed that half of the city had decided to show up to the pier today. It was a nice day considering it was late November in Chicago, but there was a definite chill in the air. Tonight was going to be cold. I shivered at the thought, the chill penetrating my secondhand black hoodie. My thrift store outfit was complete with worn skinny jeans and white knock off sneakers, allowing me to remain inconspicuous. My face, while well known by my pursuers, was plain and unremarkable, and my greasy brown hair was in a hasty ponytail. I was the definition of forgettable, and my survival counted on that.

I took an unsteady breath as I surveyed the area around me. People. People everywhere. No exit, no entrance, no fence to jump over or ditch to hide in.

They’re coming. They’re behind you. They’re going to catch you.

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The Playlist

Music is a huge part of my existence, and always proves to be extremely instrumental in shaping the stories I write. This playlist is the compilation of songs that influenced Surviving on a Whisper—some of them helped put me in the mood, some inspired characters, while some lyrics gave me the idea for specific scenes.

Songs by chronology in the book:

  1. Unwell by Matchbox Twenty
  2. Broken (feat. Amy Lee) by Seether
  3. Just A Dream by Carrie Underwood
  4. Bring Me to Life by Evanescence
  5. Broken by Lifehouse
  6. My Immortal by Evanescence
  7. No Promises (feat. Demi Lovato) by Cheat Codes
  8. Demons by Imagine Dragons
  9. Dark Side by Kelly Clarkson
  10. I Know What You Did Last Summer (feat. Camila Cabello) by Shawn Mendes
  11. This is Home by Switchfoot
  12. Feels Like Home by Edwina Hayes
  13. Haunted (Acoustic Version) by Taylor Swift
  14. Heart of Stone by Iko
  15. The Moment I Knew by Taylor Swift
  16. Forever and Always (Piano Version) by Taylor Swift
  17. Call Me When You’re Sober by Evanescence
  18. What Can I Say? (feat. Sons of Sylvia) by Carrie Underwood
  19. To Build A Home by The Cinematic Orchestra
  20. Moving On by Michael Giacchino

Overall mood songs:

  1. The Middle by Jimmy Eat World
  2. What I’ve Done by Linkin Park
  3. Love the Way You Lie Pt. III by Skylar Grey
  4. Whatever It Takes by Lifehouse


Other Books In The Series

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