Born and raised in Utah

I’ve lived in the Beehive state my whole life, and despite the bizarre seasons that often cause whiplash, I love it here. I’m a mountain kind of girl, so being surrounded by peaks and red rock feels like home.
My Squad
I’m the oldest of three girls and we’ve been a tight knit team since the beginning. We are constantly sharing books, music, movies, and memes, and we’re each other’s ride or die ‘til the end of the line.

Happily Ever After
I got married in November 2020 to the love of my life. We both love stories and being geeks, and just sitting around laughing with him is one of my favorite pastimes
My Soundtrack
I would be nowhere in life without my favorite music that has guided me through it. I’ve been a massive Taylor Swift fan since ‘Picture to Burn’ and I’ll have her music on repeat forever. I also love Ed Sheeran, Florence + the Machine, OneRepublic, Daughter, Halsey, Of Monsters and Men, and any of the random songs I’ve added to my collection. Musicals are also a huge part of my life (and you know if my singing voice didn’t harm people I’d be rocking in out on a stage somewhere) with favorites being Dear Evan Hansen, Newsies, Hamilton, Phantom of the Opera, and The Greatest Showman.

You’re a Fangirl, Harry
I love to love things, especially stories. From checking all the Hardy Boys books out in the elementary school library, to waiting in line at the Twilight midnight movie premiere, to meeting Chris Evans at Comic Con, my complete adoration of being a fan has followed me. This time when pop culture has become so mainstream is my dream come true, because there are few things I love more than the chance to buy merch and geek out with anyone.
Disney Kid
When I was a little girl, I truly believed I was a princess—the last name King just fueled the fire. I don’t know where I thought my castle was coming from, but I was obsessed with Disney princess movies and watched them over and over. Now that I’m grown, I’m sadly not a princess (darn it) but my love for Disney is still with me.

My Hogwarts house is Slytherin
Now it can be argued that I do have some traits of a Hufflepuff as well, which I don’t deny, however my home is Slytherin and always will be. Plus the snake aesthetic is super cool.
If I could be a mythical creature…
I’d for sure be a siren, which is funny because I can’t really swim, hate being wet, and have a deep fear of moss. But at least I have the hair for it. I’d also want to be a pirate (which would work with being a siren) but honorable mention goes out to a witch. And if I were Fae, I’d be the storykeeper.

The Collector
I mentioned how much I love to love things, and that includes my stuff. I love to collect all kinds of things, especially pens, Pop Funkos, notebooks, and rocks. And, of course, books.

My Authorship
I started really writing when I was 15, and it’s crazy to think that those stories are now published and out in the world. Surviving on a Whisper started as a school project doing NaNoWriMo, and it’s been an amazing journey of finding my voice through my characters and getting to share with others.